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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1996;20(2):34.
Two Cases of Cervical Myelopathy Secondary to Mixed Type of Cerebral Palsy
Chang Il Park, M.D., Joong Son Chon, M.D., You Chul Kim, M.D., , Min Young Kim, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine
혼합형 뇌성마비에서 나타난 경추부 척수병증 -2례 보고-
박창일, 전중선, 김유철, 김민영
연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 재활의학연구소

Many cerebral palsy handicapped people complain of the symptoms originating from dystonic and athetoid neck movements. Some of them complain of pain in the neck, or upper extremities. Some develop cervical myelopathy, however the diagnosis is frequently delayed because the early symptoms are vague and progression may be slow and intermittent.

We recently encountered two patients with mixed type of cerebral palsy in whom symptoms of cervical myelopathy have developed. Both of them were young, and were independent social ambulator before present onset. They became unable to walk by themselves.

One of them complained of posterior neck pain radiating to bilateral upper extremities. In X-ray and MRI studies, they show early degenerative changes of cervical spines and herniated cervical discs with compressing the spinal cords.

They were managed conservatively for several weeks by neck immobilization, absolute bed rest and continuous cervical traction. This resulted in restored strength in their extremities.

So, as a conclusion, we recommend that cervical myelopathy be expected in the patients with cerebral palsy who complain of newly developed functional deterioration. And we suggest conservative management using our protocol as a primary rehabilitation measure.

Key Words: Cervical myelopathy, Mixed type of cerebral palsy


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