J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1998;22(5):1136-1140.
Management of Cervical Myelopathy in Athetoid Cerebral Palsy: Case report.
Kim, Jun Sung , Ryu, Keun Hyeong , Yang, Seung Han
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Catholic University Medical College.
불수의 운동형 뇌성마비에서 발생한 경추부 척수병증의 치료 ⁣2례 보고⁣
김준성, 류근형, 양승한
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

We present two patients with a cerebral palsy who developed cervical myelopathy long from term involuntary movements. Frequently instability with a premature onset of spondylosis of the cervical spine is found in an athetoid cerebral palsy patient. These structural abnormalities appear to be related to the athetoid motion of neck in a cerebral palsy. The combination of a disk degeneration and listhetic instability with a narrow canal predisposes these patients for the relatively rapid progression to a devastating neurological defect. Early surgical management is a treatment of choice for the cervical myelopathy associated with an athetoid cerebral palsy.

Key Words: Athetoid cerebral palsy, Cervical myelopathy


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