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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1980;4(2):2.
Clinical Studies of 45 C.P. Children in Children's City Hospital
Kyoung Hee Park, M.D., , Yong Pal Ahn, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea
시립아동병원 물리치료대상 뇌성마비아의 임상적 고찰
박경희, 안용팔
가톨릭의과대학 재활의학과

Cerebral Palsy is a nonprogressive brain disorder occuring during gestation, parturition, or the neonatal period with resultant abnormality of movement of posture or both.

The prognosis and result of treatment are influenced by associated cerebral handicaps.

45 cerebral palsied children in Children's City Hospital were analized and neuromotor type, severity, associated defects, and their correlation were studied.

The results were as follows:

1. Neuromotor type distribution was 64.4% of spasticity, 26.6% of athetosis, 4.5% of ataxia, and 4.5% of mixed type.

2. Mean values of I.Q., S.Q., and M.Q. were 83.3, 62.8, and 22.5 respectively, and percentages of strabismus, speech disturbance, spine abnormality, and hip joint abnormality were 24.4%, 70.5%, 48.9% and 13.3% respectively.

3. No significant difference was noted between spasticity and athetosis.

4. Significant differences were noted between each group of mild, moderate, and severe in S.Q., M.Q., and spine abnormality and between moderate and severe group in speech disturbance.

5. There was a direct correlation between the severity of speech disturbance and mental retardation, and motor disability was related whether the speech disturbance was present or not.

6. High correlation was noted between S.Q. and M.Q. (r=0.5366)

Key Words: Cerebral palsy, Type, I.Q., M.Q., S.Q.


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