A Clinical Study of Severity of Disability in Patients with Leprosy of Sorocdo Hospital |
Jong Cheol Kim, M.D*., Young Gon Kim, M.D., Yoon Ho Lee, M.D., Sang Hoon Lee, M.D., Seok Hwan Yang, M.D., Woon Gi Hong, M.D., Jun Seok Choi, M.D. , Hong Yeol Choi, M.D. |
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sam Cheon Po Sungsim Hospital* and National Sorocdo Hospital |
국립소록도병원 나환자의 장애도 조사연구 |
김종철*, 김영곤, 이윤호, 이상훈, 양석환, 홍운기, 최준석, 최홍열 |
삼천포 성심병원 재활의학과* 및 국립소록도병원 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to determine the severity of disability in leprosy patients in Sorocdo hospital. All 1168 patients were physically examined and classified according to the severity of disability. The results were as follows: 1) The disability of upper extremities were 684 cases(58.6%). 2) The disability of lower extremities were 433 cases(47.1%). 3) The total blindness were 300 cases(25.7%). 4) The multiple disability were 430 cases(36.8%). 5) Grossly normal patients were 173 cases(14.8%), while remained all patients were in disabling conditions. |
Key Words:
Leprosy, Severity of disability |