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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1995;19(3):1.
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Isometric Quadriceps Setting Exercise on the Degenerative Arthritis of the Rabbit's Knee
Tai Ryoon Han, M.D., Jin Ho Kim, M.D., Se Yoon Oh, M.D., Min Ho Chun, M.D. , Min Wook Kim, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine
사두고근에 대한 등척성 근력 강화 운동이 퇴행성 슬관절염에 미치는 효과에 대한 실험적 연구
한태륜, 김진호, 오세윤, 전민호, 김민욱
서울대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

To determine the efficacy of isometric quadriceps setting exercise for degenerative osteoarthritis, we conducted a randomized 10-week rabbit study comparing electrical stimulation therapy(EST) group with non-EST group. Degenerative osteoarthritis of the knee was established by immobilization of the rabbit's knee for 6 weeks. This was followed either by natural course for further 4 weeks, or by eletrical stimulation of quadriceps femoris during 4 weeks using a low-freguency pattern of activation. Diameter and range of motion of knee joint, radiologic finding, histology of cartilage of femur and tibia, and mean fiber area of the quadriceps femoris were compared between two groups. EST group showed less swelling of the knee joint and less flexion contracture of the knee joint, more muscle fiber area(182.4 %) than control. Radiologic finding and histology of cartilage of femur and tibia were not different between two groups. According to above results, we concluded that electrical stimulation therapy strengthen the quadriceps femoris and lessen degenerative change of the capsule and connective tissue of the knee joint but has no effect on the change of the articular cartilage.

Key Words: Osteoarthritis, Electrical stimulation, Immobilization, Cartilage, Rabbit


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