J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1995;19(1):2.
The Effect of Temperature on Maximum and Minimum Conduction Velocity
Mik Kyung Ahn, M.D., , Hee Kye Kwon, M.D.,
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Korea University College of Medicine
온도가 최고, 최저 신경전도속도에 미치는 영향
안미경, 권희규
고려대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

The Parameters of nerve conduction study, which are affected by low temperature, could be corrected by correction factor. The effect of temperature on various parameters was investigated and the correction factors for maximum and minimum conduction velocity were measured, The latency and duration of compound muscle action potential and sensory action potential have a linear relationship with temperature. The correction factors for maximum conduction velocity of motor and sensory nerves were 1.48 m/sec/oC, 1.56m/sec/oC, respectively and have a non-lineal relationship with temperature. The correction factors for minimum conduction velocity of motor and sensory nerver were 0.87 m/sec/oC 0.64m/sec/oC, respectively and have a linear relationship with temperature. The correction factor of maximum conduction velocity. is larger than that of minimum conduction velocity, which suggest that the large myelinated fibers are more sensitive to temperature change.

Key Words: Correction factor, Maximal conduction velocity, Minimum conduction velocity, Temperature


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