The relationship of cutaneous temperature and median sensory and motor conduction was studied in 24 normal subjects after cooling and then warmed over physiological temperature ranges. The cutaneous temperature along distal median nerve (forearm, wrist and finger) showed significant correlations with nerve conduction measurements. The compund sensory nerve action potential (CSNAP) of median nerve was altered -0.14 msec/℃ in distal latency. -0.9㎶/℃ in amplitude, -0.06 msec/℃ in duration and 1.83 msec/℃ in conduction velocity. The compound muscle action potential(CMAP) was changed, -0.19 msec/℃ in distal latency, -0.13 mV/℃ in amplitude, 0.30 msec/℃ in duration and 0.76/sec/℃ in conduction velocity. Our studies suggest that temperature corrected nerve conduction velocities should be calculated routinely during clinical NCV examinations especially sensory nerve conduction distal to the wrist area. |