Phenol nerve block and motor point block have been known to be convenient treatment in reducing spasticity. I have done this on 81 nerves and 215 muscles in 79 patients with cerebral palsy and other spastic conditions last 2 years after previous reports were done on 108 cases. 3% phenol solution was used in all cases becouse of which is the least concentration of the solution which can produce nerve block and to prevent local side effect. 3 to 17cc (average 6.6cc SD 3.2) of the solution was used for obturator nerve blocks and 1 to 8cc (average 3.3cc SD 1.4) for the motor point blocks. More excellent effects were obtained in nerve blocks than motor point blocks. This can be explained by the anatomy of nerve endings in the muscle which are spreaded out as drowing 2 shown. The effect of phenol block depends upon the accuracy of the needling than the amount of the solution. Total dose injectzd in each person was 4 to 46.5cc (average 16.6cc SD 7.6) and which was calculated to be 1.6cc (0.04gm of phenol) per kgm body weight. This dosage is only 5% of Halpern's estimation for toxic dose which is 0.75 to 1.5gm per kgm body wieght. Side effects and after care were discussed: We have not met any serious side effect except few local indurations which lasted 2 to 3 weeks and mild dizziness. Stretching exercise and braces for continuous stretching were benefit. |