J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1996;20(4):33.
Nerve or Motor Point Block with Phenol Solution for the Relief of the Spasticity
Po-Sung Jun, M.D., Ghi-Chan Kim, M.D. , Ho-Joong Jeong, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kosin Medical College
경직완화를 위한 페놀용액을 이용한 신경 및 운동점차단술에 대한 임상적 고찰
전포성, 김기찬, 정호중
고신대학교 의학부 재활의학교실

Nerve or motor point block with 7% phenol solutions for the relief of the spasticity that had resulted from a number of causes was tried 238 times in 72 patients. 37 patients were cerebral palsy, which was most common, 11 patients were cerebrovascular accident or traumatic brain injury, 11 patients were spinal cord injury, 3 patients were tumor of central nervous system. Most common injection sites were biceps brachii and pronator teres muscles in upper extremity for the relief of flexion synergy in the cerebrovascular accidents patients, and medial head of gatrocnemius and tibialis posterior muscles in the lower extremity for the relief of equinovarus deformity in spastic diplegia type cerebral palsy patients. Total dose injected in each patient was 0.8 to 20.2cc(average 6.4±4.1cc) and which was far below the toxic dosage. We have not encountered any serious side effects except for few local induration or pain and mild dizziness. Ease, simplicity, safety, therapeutic benefits, and economic advantages of nerve or motor point block with 7% phenol solutions warrant its more widespread use.

Key Words: Spasticity, Nerve block, Motor point block, Phenol solution


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