J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1991;15(1):128-132.
A case report of hereditary familial spastic paraplegia.
Kang, Min Jung , Moon, Jae Ho , Park, Dong Shik , Sohn, Min Kyun
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine
유전성 경직성 하반신마비 증례보고 -일가계 4대에 걸친 10명의 발병례-
강민정, 문재호, 박동식, 손민균
연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

A Korean family of hereditary 'pure' spastic paraplegia is presented with literature review.

There were 10 affected members involving 4 generations and the onsets were in the 1st decade by history.

The symptoms were spastic paraplegia with hyperactive deep tendon reflexes and pathologic reflexes but there were no muscle atrophy, sensory changes, sphincter nor genitourinary abnormality.

There were prolongation in the P40 potentials of bilateral tibial somatosensory evoked potential study and central motor conduction time of magnetic stimulation study.

The mode of inheritance were autosomal dominant and were consistant with those of TypeⅠ of AE Harding's classification.

Key Words: Hereditary spastic paraplegia, Toe gait


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