J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1998;22(4):784-792.
A Quantitative Assessment of Spasticity in Hemiplegic Patients Using Isokinetic Dynamometer.
Lee, Seong Jae , Han, Tai Ryoon
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, Dankook University.
2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University.
편마비 환자에서 등속성 근력계를 이용한 경직의 정량적 평가
이성재, 한태륜1
단국대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 1서울대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

Objectives: The biomechanical assessment of spasticity has been developed recently, but not standardized yet for the test procedures and parameters of measurement. This study was designed for the development of standardized method of the biomechanical assessment of spasticity using the isokinetic dynamometer.

The plantar flexor muscles of both ankles were stretched from 40o plantar flexion to 20o dorsiflexion using the isokinetic dynamometer at the angular velocities of 15o, 30o, 60o, 90o, 120o, 180o, and 300o per second. Three parameters, peak eccentric torque(PET), torque threshold angle(TTA), and angle at peak torque(PTA) were analysed.

PET increased and TTA decreased significantly in the involved side. The side to side difference of PET and TTA increased in the patient group with more spasticity. The side to side difference of PET increased, but the side to side difference of TTA decreased with the increase in the angular velocity.

The isokinetic dynamometer is useful in the assessment of the spasticity of ankle plantar flexor of hemiplegic patients. PET and TTA are useful parameters. The faster angular velocities seemed to be more appropriate for the analysis of torque values and the slower angular velocities seemed to be more appropriate for the analysis of thresholds.

Key Words: Spasticity, Hemiplegia, Assessment, Isokinetic dynamometer


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