The aims of this study were to compare the normal values of the isokinetic dynamometer pendulum test and those of the electrogoniometric one, to compare the relaxation indices of the isokinetic dynamometer pendulum test and those of the electrogoniometric one according to modified Ashworth scale, to identify the critical value of the relaxation index of the isokinetic dynamometer pendulum test according to modified Ashworth scale, to identify the correlation of modified Ashworth scale with the pendulum test, and to identify the correlation of Brunnstrom stage with the pendulum test in the 77 hemiplegic patients with varing degrees of spasticity. The results were: 1) The relaxation index, amplitude ratio, swing number, and swing time of the isokinetic dynamometer pendulum test were significantly lower than those of the electrogoniometric one in the control group. 2) The relaxation indices of the isokinetic dynamometer pendulum test were generally higher than those of the electrogoniometric one according to modified Ashworth scale and Brunnstrom stage. 3) If the relaxation index was over 1.20, that modified Ashworth scale was considered as grade 1. But we could not estimate the range of the relaxation index of modified Ashworth scale 2 and 3. 4) Modified Ashworth scale was reversely correlated with the relaxation index of the isokinetic dynamometer pendulum test and the electrogoniometric one, but correlation coefficients were not so high. 5) The relaxation index of the pendulum test was not significantly different among the Brunnstrom stages. In the above study, modified Ashworth scale was reversely correlated with the relaxation index of the isokinetic dynamometer pendulum test, but correlation coefficients were not so high and the ranges of relaxation index were not clearly defined according to modified Ashworth scale. So, we thought that new measurement scale for evaluation of spasticity using pendulum test (especially, electrogoniometric pendulum test) was needed, but further study was also needed after collection of more samples. |