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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1996;20(4):19.
Modulation of H-reflex Excitability by Change of Ankle Position
Tai Ryoon Han, M.D., Jin Ho Kim, M.D. , Bum Sun Kwon, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine
족관절 위치에 따른 H 반사의 흥분도 변화
한태륜, 김진호, 권범선
서울대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

The effects of ankle position on H-reflex were studied in 40 healthy subjects. Ankle position was maintained passively by means of the foot-plate in control position, that is neutral (dorsiflexion 0° and plantarflexion 0°), dorsiflexion 10 degree, 20 degree, plantarflexion 10 degree, 20 degree, and maximal plantarflexion. H-reflex excitability was evaluated by the ratio of the threshold of H-reflex to that of M-wave (H/M threshold), and the ratio of maximal amplitude of H-reflex to that of M-wave (H/M amplitude).

The results showed that H/M threshold and H/M amplitude were decreased at dorsiflexed position compared with those at neutral position. Thus dorsiflexed ankle position might modulate the α-motor neuron excitability of H-reflex. But there were no significant changes in H/M threshold and H/M amplitude during plantarflexion up to 20° compared with those at neutral position. At maximal plantarflexed position it was also observed that there was decremental H/M amplitude, but there was no change in H/M threshold, so, it might be due to change of recording muscle status. H-reflex of just below M-wave threshold resembled the maximal H-reflex, and it also might represents the α-motor neuron excitability of H-reflex.

In case of prone position with ankle out of bed, ankle position would be about 20 degree plantarflexed if a person had no ankle joint contracture. It is suggested that measuring the H-reflex, there is no need to make the ankle neutral strictly, if not dorsiflexed.

Key Words: H-reflex, α-motor neuron excitability, Ankle position, Ankle dorsiflexion, Ankle plantar flexion


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