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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1995;19(3):14.
A Study of Visual Neglect in Stroke Patients by Line Bisection Test
Jai Joong Ahn, M.D., Tai Yun Ha, M.D., Seung Sang Han, M.D., Jun Young Lee, M.D., Kwang Jin Seon, M.D. , Sung Man Rowe, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Chonnam National University College of Medicine
직선이분검사에 의한 뇌졸중 환자의 시각무시에 대한 고찰
안재중, 하태윤, 한승상, 이준영, 선광진, 노성만
전남대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

Spatial neglect is among the most disabling features of stroke. Subjects with spatial neglect have a lower chance of regaining independence or returning home after discharge. There are many tests assessing various aspects of spatial neglect. Line bisection test is a short and simple test of spatial neglect which has often been included in research batteries of stroke subjects. We have used this test to define the normal range of line bisection errors in horizontal and vertical planes, to compare subjects with normal and impaired line bisection in respect to pre-stroke demographic factors, prevalence of prior stroke and indices of current stroke, and indices of current stroke deficit, to define a more exact lesion in relation to the visual neglect and to understand the pathomechanism.

We have studied 57 controls and 44 stroke patients and the results are as follows;

1) The normal range of line bisection errors for controls was about 11.5mm from the true midpoint.

2) The mean age was 56.4 years with 75% of patients in their fifties and sixties in stroke patient. Sex ratio was 1.9:1.

3) 32 patients had infarcts and 12 patients hemorrhages.

4) 18 patients had horizontal neglect, 14 patients vertical and 12 patients had both.

5) From this study visual neglect in relation to age, sex, etiology and lesion was negligible. But in 13 patients with repeated stroke, 7 patients had vertical visual neglect.

6) Patients with lesions in right parietal lobe or basal ganglia was related to visual neglect(p<0.01).

Key Words: Stroke, Line bisection test, Visual neglect, Horizontal neglect, Vertical neglect


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