The purpose of this study was to evaluate functional outcomes for cauda equina injured patients who participated in rehabilitation program. The subjects were twenty cases of cauda equina injured patients who were diagnosed by neurological examinations and electrodiagnostic studies. We evaluated functional outcomes of voiding status, motor index score(MIS), use of orthosis and ambulation status. The results were as follows; 1) Indwelling catheterization at admission and Valsalva & Percussion/Crede maneuver at discharge were the most common method for voiding. 2) There was statistically significant difference in the MIS of both hip flexors and knee extensors between admission and discharge. 3) At discharge, there were three Hip-Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis(HKAFO), four bilateral Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis(KAFO), one unilateral KAFO and three no bracing in T10-L1 injury(11 cases). 4) At discharge, there were three bilateral Ankle-Foot Orthosis(AFO) and six no bracing in L2-S1 injury(9 cases). 5) At admission, there were one standing only and ten non-ambulators, and at discharge, there were three standing only, five therapeutic ambulator, seven indoor/functional ambulators and one non-ambulator, and at discharge, there were seven community ambulators, one therapeutic ambulator and one indoor/functional ambulator in L2-S1 injury. |