J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1990;14(2):26.
Status and Changing Pattern of Admitted Patients in Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Presbyterian Medical Center
Young Tae Choi, M.D., Yun Hee Kim, M.D., Hae Won Moon, M.D., , Byung Doo Song, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Presbyterian Medical Center, Chonju, Korea
재활의학과 입원환자의 실태 및 연도별 변화추이에 관한 조사 -예수병원 입원환자를 대상으로-
최영태, 김연희, 문혜원, 송병두
전주예수병원 재활의학과

Until present, a systematic analysis about status and changing pattern of admitted inpatients in rehabilitation medicine has not been done. So the purpose of this study was to analyze the status and changing pattern of 1.138 patients admitted in the department of rehabilitation medicine of Presbyterian Medical Center during recent 10 years from 1980 to 1989 to provide basic data and useful information for the development of comprehensive and systematic rehabilitation care.

The results were as follows;

1) The total number of cases was 1.138; the mean age was 39.1 years; and the ratio of males to female was 1.7;1

2) Spinal cord injury was th most frequent diagnosis and represented 18.3% of total inpatients while cerebrovascular accident and bone & soft tissue injury represented 18.0% and 15.3% respectively.

3) The most frequent cause fo disability was accidents representing 51.9%, Chronic diseases and infectious diseases were the second and third causes.

4) Among the accidents, traffic accident was most frequent cause and represented 30.3% of all while falling and industrial accidents represented 9.8% and 4.7 respectively.

5) The peak ages of disability occurrance were second to third decades in accident cases and fifth to sixth decades in chronic disease cases.

6) The mean length of hospitalization was 61.5 days and the mean length of rehabilitation was 33.1 days. The mean period form admission to transfer to rehabilitation department was 42.7 days,

7) The departments to which the patients were admitted most frequently were neurosurgery(30.2%), rehabilitation medicine(29.7%), and orthopedic surgery (26.7%).

Key Words: Diagnosis of disability, Causes of disability, Length of rehabilitation, Admission department


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