Phrenic nerve studies are clinically helpful in the evaluation of the disease of the peripheral nerves and in therapeutic implications. In this study, phrenic nerve function was evaluated by transcutaneous stimulation in the neck at the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, at the level of the thyroid cartilage and recording the diaphramatic potential from surface electrode placed at the ipsilateral eighth intercostal space and the xiphoid process. The purpose of this study is to determine the normal value of the phrenic nerve conduction in the Korean adult. The subject was composed of 44 normal adults who had been visited to Kyung Hee university Hospital. The results were as follows; 1) The latency is 6.45±0,85 msec at right, 6.40±0.98 msec at left and the mean latency is 6.42±0.92 msec 2) THe amplitude is 530.68±145.78 ㎶ at right, 524.12±193.99 ㎶ at left and the mean amplitude is 527.94±186.28 ㎶ . 3) In man, the latency is 6.67±0.85 msec and the amplitude is 564.71±178.85 ㎶ , And in women, the latency is 5.97±0,86 msec and the amplitude is 462.48±182. 37 ㎶ 4) There were no significant correlation between the latercy and the amplitude (r=0.09). 5) No significant difference was observed between the right and the left (p>0.01). 6) There were no significant correlation between the latency an the age (r=0.38). |