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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1989;13(2):23.
A Study on the Flexor Carpi Radialis H-Reflex in Normal and Cervical Radiculopathy
Soon-Yeol Chong, M.D., Hee-Kyu Kwon, M.D., Hang-Jae Lee, M.D.* , Chung-Hie Oh, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine
정상 성인과 경추신경근 병증환자에서의 요측 수근굴근 H-반사에 대한 연구
정순열, 권희규, 이항재*, 오정희
고려대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

H-reflex is a kind of late response which can be used in the proximal nerve conduction study, especially in the diagnosis of S1 radiculopathy of the lower extremity. H-reflex is also noted in the flexor carpi radialis muscle of the upper extremity and can be used in the diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy. But the flexor carpi radialis H-reflex (FCR H-R) is not commonly studied yet. The FCR H-R study was performed in 40 normal individuals (80 nerves) and the 8 patients with C6 or 7 radiculopathy to establish the normal values and evaluate the significance of the FCR H-R study in cervical root lestion.

The result are as follow:

1) The mean value of the FCR H-R latency was 14.72±1.11msec. There was no significant differences between Rt. and Lt. side.

2) The side-to-side difference greater than 0.72msec was observed as abnormal value in FCR H-R latency.

3) The mean value of interlatency time (ILT) was 12.78±1.03msec. There was no significant differences between Rt. and Lt. side.

4) The side-to-side difference greater than 0.65msec was observed as abnormal value in ILT.

5) There is a significant correlation between FCR H-R latency and arm length.

6) A study of FCR H-R in 8 patients with C6 or 7 radiculopathy revealed prolonged latency in 2 patients, decreased amplitude in 2 patients, absent H-R in 1 patient.

Key Words: Flexor carpi radialis H-reflex, C6,7 radiculopathy


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