Glasgow coma scale and Glasgow outcome scale are the objective measure to report the degree of brain damage and rehabilitation outcome, respectively. In an attempt to compare the rehabilitation outcome, a restrospective study of 30 male and 13 female(total; 43) patients, aging from 11 to 75, was undertaken. The causes were traffic accident and stroke and the mean age was 33.0 and 55.8 years, respectively. Glasgow coma scale was determined from the first neurological examination of the patients and the visual perception, Barthel index and Glasgow outcome scale were evaluated at the time of discharge. The minor head injured on Glasgow coma scale was 22, The moderate injured was 13 and the severe injured was 8. After the rehabilitation treatment, 61.5% of the severe injured had severs disability and 63.7%, 61.5% of the minor and moderate injured had moderate disability in Glasgow outcome scale. There was correlation between Glasgow coma scale and rehabilitation outcome based on Glasgow outcome scale and Barthel index, but was no correlation between Glasgow coma scale and visual perception. |