This is the extended study of the status of the disabled in the 18 children's rehabilitation facilities in Korea since an evaluation of types and functional profiles of 393 cerebral palsied in 1983. During the period of March 1984 through October 1984, 613 children with physical disability in 18 different rehabilitation facilities were analysed for the diagnosis and cerebral palsy evaluation. The diagnoses were classified in 22 as table 1. Cerebral palsy was the most frequent diagnosis and the next frequent diagnosis was mental retardation. Poliomyelitis became the third. For the cerebral palsy, an evaluation of age incidence, sex incidence, types of cerebral palsy/extremities involved and PULSES profiles was done. Age of the cerebral palsied was varied from 1 to 30 and mean age was 9.6 with standard deviation 4.9 (Table 2) and male/female ratio was 66.5/33.5%(Table 3). Types of the cerebral palsied were classified into spastic, athetoid, mixed, dystonic, atonic, ataxic, rigid, and unclassified(Table 4). Each frequencies were spastic in 43.6%, athetoid in 51.1%, mixed in 1.3%, dystonic in 1.5%, atonic in 0.2%, ataxic in 0.2%, rigid in 0.2% and unclassified in 1.8%. In extremity involvement, the frequencies were quadriplegia in 53.1%, diplegia in 19.4%, hemiplegia in 13.9%, double hemiplegia in 0.7%, triplegia in 3.1%, upper monoplegia in 9.7% and lower monoplegia in 0.2%(table 5). The detail of the type/extremity involvement(table 5) revealed athetoid quadriplegia was in 39.9%, spastic diplegia in 19.4%, spastic hemiplegia in 13% and athetoid double hemiplegia in 9.3%. Physical states of the cerebral palsied were generally good(P1 was 92.5%). None function of upper extremities(U4) were seen in 25.5% and severe disturbance of the upper extremities(U3) were seen in 37% of the 454 cerebral palsied children. None ambulatory(L4) cerebral palsied were 37% of the 454 cases palsied children. None ambulatory (L4) cerebral palsied were 37% and severe walking disturbance(L3) was seen in 42.3%. None function of speech(S4) was seen in 21.8% and severe disturbance(S3) in speech was seen in 22.9%. Urinary and fecal incontinence(E4) was seen in 22.9%. And mental or psychological disturbance(S2+S3+S4) was seen in 25.3% of the 454 cerebral palsied studied. |