J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1978;2(2):4.
A Clinical Study of Patients with Ankle and Foot Pain
Dong Wook Kim, M.D., Sae Yoon Kang, M.D. , Young Pal Ahn, M.D.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Catholic Medical College & Center, Seoul, Korea
족관절 및 족부동통에 관한 임상적 연구
김동욱, 강세윤, 안용팔
가톨릭의과대학 정형외과학교실

The pain of the ankle and foot was encountered in a large group of patients whose disabilities arise in association with weight bearing stress on the foot and the affections of the heel include the results of inflammation and injury. The pain around the ankle occurs at the site of insertion of Achilles tendon and subtalar joints.

A clinical review and analysis was carried out on 170 cases of 154 patients in ankle and foot pain who visited O.P.D of Orthopaedic Surgery, Catholic Medical College during 8 months of the period from March 1978 to October 1978. Most cases were treated conservatively and various method of treatment were adapted according to the condition of the disease.

of this study are as follows;

1. There was no definite differences between the sex distribution, but the incidence in females was slightly greater than in males in disease group, the incidence in males was slightly greater than in females in trauma group.

2. 48% of the 154 patients was found to occur between the age of 10 and 29 years.

3. Difference between the incidences of the right and of left foot was not determined.

4. Most of the cases involved the hind foot involving ankle joint (2/3 of all cases).

5. In disease group the rheumatoid arthritis involved 22 cases among 89 cases, and the ankle sprain and the fracture involved 61 cases among 81 cases.

6. The average duration from onset to visit O.P.D. within 4 weeks was 34.7% in disease group and 63.3% in trauma group.

7. Tenderness and swelling was noticed in about 50% in physical examinations and the abnormal finding was not found in 22.4% in X-ray examinatons.

8. Most cases was treated with a medication combind with rest and external support.

Key Words: Ankle, Foot, Pain, Disability, Treatment


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