J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1992;16(1):88-93.
Treatment of musculoskeletal diseases by iontophoresis.
Hwang, Kyeong Sang , Rah, Ueon Woo , Cho, Mi Ae
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine
이온삼투요법을 이용한 근골격계 질환의 치료에 관한 연구
황경상, 나은우, 조미애
연세대학교 원주의과대학 재활의학교실

Iontophoresis is the process whereby electrically charged drugs are transfered through skin via electrical potential which is nontraumatic and painless.

Forty-six musculoskeletal disease patients in the Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Wonju College of Medicine, were treated with iontophoresis using dexamethasone and 4% lidocaine and evaluated for the effect of this method.

There were 30 cases who were received iontophoresis for back or cervical pain. Of a those, nine cases (30.0%) responded with a more than good response.

There 16 cases who received treatment for tennis elbow, rheumatoid arthritis, tenosynovitis and other problems, of a those, ten cases (62.4%) responded with a more than good response.

For patients who received iontophoresis for back or cervical pain, the relief was more apparent in sprain and stable fractures of the lumbar or cervical spine than those who had herniated intervertebral disc and spondylolisthesis (p<0.05).

Relief was more apparent in the cases who were treated within two months after symptom developed and/or who had muscle spasm (p<0.01) and less apparent in the cases who were treated two months or more after symptom developed and/or who did not have muscle spasm.

Key Words: Iontophoresis, Musculoskeletal diseases


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