Comparison of CT-myelography, electromyography and digital infrared thermographic imaging in lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus. |
Park, Gi Young , Chun, Sae Il , Park, Chang Il , Yim, Shin Young , Kim, Ae Young , Shin, Dong Bae |
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine , Yonsei University College of Medicine, Ulsan Haesung Hospital |
요추 추간판탈출증의 척추전산화단층촬영과 척수강조영, 근전도 및 컴퓨터적외선체열촬영소견과의 비교 |
박기영, 전세일, 박창일, 임신영, 김애영, 신동배 Gi Young Park, M.D., Sae-il Chun, M.D., Chang Ⅱ |
연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 울산 해성 병원 |
Abstract |
Thermograpy, which maps body surface temperature, has been proposed as a safe, economic and effective diagnostic test for lumbar radiculopathy. This study involves the relative value of digital infrared thermographic imaging as compared to CT-myelograpy and electromyography in examination of 44 patients with low back pain who have received conservative treatment for more than 3 months after industrial accident. The results were as follows: 1) In comparing CT-myelograpy with the electromyography and digital infrared thermographic imaging in lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus, there was a slightly better percentage of agreement between the CT-myelograpy and the electromyography(89%) than exists with digital infrared thermographic imaging. 2) Of 10 patients with specific nerve root compression due to lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus on CT-myelograpy, electromyography was abnormal in 9 patients but digital infrared thermographic imaging was abnormal in only 7 patients. Thermography, though a simple and less invasive procedure with a potential of usefulness for detecting lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus, appears to have limitation in differentiating the exact nerve root and need to be supplemented by other electrophysiologic tests. |
Key Words:
Lumbar herniated nucleus pulposus, CT myelography, Electromyography, Digital infrared thermographic imaging |