J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1997;21(2):310-316.
Normal Values of Tendon Reflexes in Normal Korean Adults.
Kim, Chang Pyo , Kim, Sang Yoon , Lee, Joo Byoung , Kang, Bong Goo , Lee, Yang Gyun
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Korea.
한국 정상 성인에서의 건반사의 정상치에 관한 연구
김창표ㆍ김상윤, 이주병, 강봉구, 이양균
순천향대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

The purpose of this study was to establish the normal values of tendon reflex in normal Korean adults. Ankle tendon reflex(ATR), patellar tendon reflex(PTR) and medial hamstring tendon reflex (MHTR) responses were recorded in 96 limbs of 48 normal Korean adults by delivering tendon taps with an electric reflex hammer.

Latency to the onset of the triggered response, peak to peak amplitude and duration of the wave were measured after several repetitions. Minimum latency and duration of the elicited response were chosen to calculate normal means. Side differences were also evaluated. As amplitude showed a marked interindividual variation and side to side variation, lowest recorded value was selected to represent the lower limit of normal.

Mean values of latency, duration and amplitude were 30.27⁑3.18 msec, 11.05⁑1.08 msec and 1.98⁑0.89 mV for ATR, 16.37⁑1.58 msec, 20.63⁑1.68 msec and 1.56⁑0.76 mV for PTR and 20.25⁑2.14 msec, 10.95⁑1.57 msec and 0.71⁑0.56 mV for MHTR. Age, height, and leg length showed significant correlation with the latency of ATR, PTR and MHTR latency(P<0.001).

We believe our results can be used as guideline researches in clinical practice.

Key Words: Quantification of tendon reflex, Electric reflex hammer


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