J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1998;22(1):224-229.
Complex Physical Therapy for Lymphedema.
Hwang, Ji Hye , Lee, Kang Woo , Chang, Doo Yeul , Lee, Byung Bung , Kim, Dong Ik , Kim, Sung Jung , Jung, Jin Bo
1Department of Surgery, Sung Kyun Kwan University, College of Medicine.
2Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Samsung Medical Center.
임파부종 환자에서 복합적 임파 물리치료의 효과
황지혜, 이강우, 장두열, 이병붕*, 김동익*, 김성중**, 정진보**
성균관대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 외과학교실*

Complex Physical Therapy (CPT) is one of the variable conservative methods of lymphedema and recently used in many countries with great success. The main concept of CPT is to improve central lymph flow by opening non-functioning lymphatic pathway and by stimulating collateral lymphatic channels to drain the swollen area into adjacent areas where lymph flow is normal.

CPT consists of 4 main parts; 1. meticulous skin care, 2. manual lymph drainage, 3. multilayered non-stretching compression bandages and compression garments, 4. special exercise.

We tried to assess the immediate and maintenance effects of CPT in patients with lymphedema. CPT was used on 25 patients (male 5, female 20) with 10 upper and 15 lower extremity edemas for 2weeks such as 5 days per week, 1.5 hours per day at out-patient clinic.

Immediately, the reduction of edema volume was 25.5⁑13.8% at the upper extremity and 27.5⁑15.5% at lower extremity in 2 weeks after treatment. All these were well maintained following 3 months without any significant variation.

In comparison between proximal and distal parts, there was no significant difference except the immediate post-treatment result of the lower extremity. But the maintenance of volume reduction of distal part was better than proximal part through 3 months after treatment. We also found the reduction of skin subcutaneous thickness according to the volume reduction.

In conclusion, CPT is a effective treatment method for patients with lymphedema but follow up study will be needed for identifying long term maintenance effect.

Key Words: Lymphedema, Complex physical therapy


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