Phonological Characteristics in Parkinson's Disease. |
Lee, Gyu Han , Park, Si Bog , Lee, Sang Gun , Lee, Kang Mok , Kim, Seung Hyun |
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. 2Department of Neurology, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. |
파킨슨병의 음성분석학적 특징 |
이규한, 박시복, 이상건, 이강목, 김승현1 |
한양대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 1신경과학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective To evaluate the phonological characteristics of speech in patients with Parkinsonism, and to compare with the healthy elderly adults. Method By measuring the sustained phonation, diadochokinesis, mean intonation difference (average difference in fundamental frequency between the last syllables of interrogative and declarative sentences), and speech rate using the IBM Speech Viewer III system in the seventeen patients with Parkinsonism and fifteen healthy elderly adults. Results (1) Ability to prolong vowels and intonation values were reduced in the Parkinsonism group as compared to the control group, (2) The diadochokinetic rate and speech rate failed to differentiate between two groups. Conclusion The analysis of the phonological characteristics of speech in patients with Parkinsonism was valuable for the evaluation and treatment of dysarthria. |
Key Words:
Speech, Dysarthria, Parkinsonism, Speech viewer |