J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2000;24(4):656-662.
Medical and Functional Status of Adults with Cerebral Palsy.
Kim, Jae Hyung , Kang, Min Joung , Lee, Kyeong Hwan , Kim, Byung Sik
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, National Rehabilitation Hospital.
성인 뇌성 마비의 의학적, 기능적 실태
김재형, 강민정, 이경환, 김병식
국립재활병원 재활의학과

The purpose of this study is to survey the health and functional status of adult cerebral palsy.

This study included 47 patients who have cerebral palsy between the ages of 20 and 45 years. We evaluated the functional status by the interview and questionnaire, the medical status including a detailed medical history, with emphasis on the musculoskeletal system.

1) In the functional status, the number of non-functional ambulator increased from ten cases (21.3%) to fourteen cases (29.8%) in proportion to the incidence of fracture. 2) In the medical status, thirty-seven cases (78.8%) had more than one musculoskeletal complaint. Twenty-three cases (48.9%) had gastric discomfort, twenty-five cases (53.2%) had dental caries and thirty cases (63.9%) had speech disturbance. 3) Only eleven cases (23.4%) had undergone the comprehensive rehabilitation.

To prevent and minimize the physical disabilities and musculoskeletal complications of adult cerebral palsy, we need more active medical intervention, active research on the methodology and comprehensive rehabilitation.

Key Words: Adult cerebral palsy, Medical and functional status, Musculoskeletal system


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