J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2001;25(1):102-109.
Evaluation of Peripheral Polyneuropathy in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Using Quantitative Sensory Test.
Park, Jeong Mee , Kang, Seok Jeong , Kim, Ki Wan , Kim, Jin Weon , Kim, Seong Hoon
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University Won Ju College of Medicine.
정량적 감각검사를 이용한 당뇨병성 신경병증의 평가
박정미, 강석정, 김기완, 김진원, 김성훈
연세대학교 원주의과대학 재활의학교실

The purpose of this study was to determine whether quantitative sensory test can be used as a screening test of peripheral polyneuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus, and to evaluate the severity of peripheral polyneuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus using quantitative sensory test.

We performed nerve conduction study to right upper and left lower extremity of the patients. Quantitative sensory test was performed using TSA-2001 thermal sensory analyser on right thenar and left foot dorsum in both diabetic and control groups.

1) The warm sense and heat pain threshold were higher, the cold sense and cold pain threshold were lower in diabetic group than age-matched control group (p<0.05). 2) The warm sense and heat pain threshold were higher, the cold sense and cold pain threshold were lower in diabetic group than young-aged control group (p<0.05). 3) As nerve conduction study results were severe, the cold sense threshold in right thenar were decreased (p<0.05).

Quantitative sensory study in patients with diabetes mellitus are sensitive to identify neuropathic change; thus, they would be used as the screening method of diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy.

Key Words: Quantitative sensory test, Diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy, Nerve conduction study


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