J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2002;26(2):167-171.
Ultrasonographic Findings of Ulnar Nerve in the Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.
Yoon, Joon Shik , Kim, Sei Joo , Kim, Young Hoon
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine, Korea. snoop1@hanmail.net
주관 증후군에서 척골 신경의 초음파 소견
윤준식, 김세주, 김영훈
고려대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

This study was designed to assess the ulnar nerve using ultrasonographic measures at the elbow in patients with cubital tunnel syndrome.

We examined 20 healthy men as control and 10 patients with cubital tunnel syndrome. We measured the short, long axis and area of ulnar nerve with the shoulder abducted at 60o and elbow fully extended posture in prone position. The mean age of control and patients were 46.4 (30∼60) years old and 48.8 (30∼61) years old, respectively.

In normal group, the size of ulnar nerve at medial epicondyle, 5 cm proximal to medial epicondyle and 5 cm distal to medial epicondyle was 4.0×2.0 mm, 6.2 mm2, 3.7×2.1 mm, 5.8 mm2 and 3.7×2.0 mm, 6.0 mm2 respectively,

where as in the patients group, it was 5.7×2.9 mm, 13.1 mm2, 5.2×3.1 mm, 12.7 mm2 and 4.7×2.8 mm, 10.2 mm2 respectively. In cubital tunnel syndrome, the size of ulnar nerve was smaller in the distal portion of the medial epicondyle compared to the size measured at proximal or medial epicondyle. There was significant differences between the size of the ulnar nerve in controls and patients with cubital tunnel syndrome (p<0.05).

The ultrasonography can accurately detect the morphologic changes in the ulnar nerve, so it will be useful in diagnosis of cubital tunnel syndrome. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2002; 26: 167-171)

Key Words: Ultrasonography, Ulnar nerve, Cubital tunnel syndrome


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