J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2002;26(6):693-698.
Digital Image Motion Analysis of the Pharyngeal Movement during Swallowing in Dysphagia Patients.
Han, Tai Ryoon , Bang, Moon Suk , Paik, Nam Jong , Jeon, Jae Yong , Kim, Sang Jun , Lee, Ho Jun
1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea. guitarren@medigate.net
2Department of Rehabilitation, Dongguk University College of Medicine, Korea.
연하곤란 환자들에서의 인두부 움직임의 전산화 동적 분석
서울대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 1동국대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실
To reveal basic mechanism regarding the swallowing difficulty in stroke and inflammatory myopathy patients, and to compare this with normal persons.
Five volunteers without any swallowing problems, three inflammatory myopathy patients and five stoke patients with swallowing difficulty and a similar movement of the hyoid bone were included in this study. Video-fluoroscopic swallowing studies were performed in all subjects, and their videofluroscopic motions were analyzed through 2-dimensional motion analysis using the APAS(Ariel Performance Analysis System).
The motions of the hyoid bone and the epiglottis of the inflammatory myopathy patients were much smaller than those of the volunteers but their pattern was similar to the volunteers. Although the difference in the displacement of the hyoid bone and epiglottis between the stroke patients and volunteers was low, the movement pattern between them was different. During an excursion of the hyoid bone, there was an interruption in its motion, which may be due to the spasticity of the cricopharyngeal muscle.
In inflammatory myopathy patients, the cause of the dysphagia is a weakness of the upper esophageal constrictor muscle, i.e. the cricopharyngeal muscle, may be another cause. Relieving the spasticity of the cricopharyngeal muscle as well as strengthening of the swallow-related muscles should be considered when treating stroke patients with dysphagia. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2002; 26: 693-698)
Key Words: Dysphagia, Stroke, Inflmmatory myopathy, Videofluroscopic swallowing study (VFSS), Motion analysis


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