Contributing Factors Analysis for the Driving Status in Spinal Cord Injury. |
Kim, Su Il , Kim, Deog Young , Rah, Ueon Woo , Bae, Ha Suk |
1Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ajou University Hospital, Korea. 2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Research Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea. |
척수 손상 장애인의 자가운전에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석 |
김수일ㆍ김덕용1ㆍ나은우ㆍ배하석1 |
아주대학교병원 재활의학과, 1연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 재활의학 연구소 |
Abstract |
Objective To provide informations on contributing factors analysis for the driving status in spinal cord injured people through basic statistics from an analysis of the survey results. Method The survey was administered to 121 spinal cord injured persons with no evidence of head injury. Subjects were divided to driver group and non-driver group and compared to their general charateristics, neurologic characteristics, status of activity of daily living (ADL). Logistic regression was used to analyze contributing factors for the driving status. Results Forty-four (36.4%) of 121 respondents were driving and among them male drivers were 35 (79.6%). The average age and the age at the time of injury were lower in the driver group than non-driver group. Among complete lesions, C7 was the highest level who could drive independently. The mean score of ADL was significantly higher in the driver group than non-driver group. The significant factors that affect the driving of spinal cord injured persons were sex, age, age at the time of injury, Frankel type, motor score, jobs after their injury, compensations for their accidents, means of ambulation, sports activities, and ADL status. Especilly significant factors were age at the time of injury, means of ambulation, ADL status. Conclusion We suggested that the driver training should be an essential part of the rehabilitaion program for the spinal cord injured people to maximize their quality of life in the community. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2002; 26: 709-716) |
Key Words:
Spinal cord injury, Driving, Neurologic level, Activity of daily living (ADL) |