Objective This study was purposed to reveal the differences of the findings of pudendal somatosensory evoked potential (PSEP) and electrophysiological bulbocavernosus reflex (EBCR) according to the type of neurogenic bladder. Method The subjects were 65 patients with neurogenic bladder. The causes of neurogenic bladder were consist of seven brain lesions; 39 spinal cord injuries; 15 cauda equina syndromes; and four peripheral polyneuropathies. PSEP and EBCR were done.
Results Of the patients with hyperreflexic bladder (43.1%), PSEP latency was normal in 21.4%, delayed in 21.4%, and not obtainable in 57.2%. Of the patients with areflexic bladder (56.9%), PSEP latency was normal in 24.3%, delayed in 21.6%, and not obtainable in 54.1%. Of the patients with hyperreflexic bladder, EBCR latency was normal in 82.1%, delayed in 14.3%, and not obtainable in 3.6%. Of the patients with areflexic bladder, EBCR latency was normal in 16.2%, delayed in 37.8%, and not obtainable in 46.0% (p<0.01).
Conclusion There was significant correlation between EBCR and type of neurogenic bladder, but not with PSEP. These results seem to be reflected from the neuro-anatomical lesion of the neurogenic bladder. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2003; 27: 70-74)