Mirror-writing after Corpus Callosum Lesion Induced by Both Posterior Cerebral Artery Infarction: A case report. |
Kim, Hyoung Seop , Kim, Yong Wook , Park, Chang Il , Rho, Hyuck Jae , Park, Jong Bum |
Department and Research Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea. ywkim1@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr |
양측 후뇌동맥 경색으로 인한 뇌량 손상 후 발생한 거울상 쓰기 -증례 보고- |
김형섭, 김용욱, 박창일, 노혁재, 박종범 |
연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 재활의학연구소 |
Abstract |
“Mirror-writing” is the simultaneous process of reversing individual letters and composing word strings in reverse direction. It is reported that the lesions which cause “mirror-writing” are left parietal lobe, left basal ganglia, right supplementary motor area, left supplementary motor area, left cingulate gyrus, and left angular gyrus. To explain this phenomenon, several theories have been proposed such as the motor, the visual dominance, the supplementary motor area, the visio-spatial, the visual word- form, the hemisaptial factor or directional and the reflected graphemic representation hypotheses. With reviewing some of literatures, we present a case of “mirror- writing” of posterior corpus callosum lesion which is not included in the aforementioned those. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2007; 31: 351-355) |
Key Words:
Corpus callosum, Mirror writing, Posterior cerebral artery infarction |