J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2009;33(1):64-71.
Common Gait Abnormalities of Each Joint in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy.
Park, Eun Sook , Rha, Dong Wook , Kim, Hyoung Bin , Kim, Min June
Department and Research Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea. anaphylaxis@naver.com
경직성 뇌성 마비 환아에서 흔하게 나타나는 하지 관절의 보행 이상
박은숙, 나동욱, 김형빈, 김민준
연세대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 및 재활의학연구소
To investigate the prevalence of gait abnormalities of each joint of lower legs in children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) and to find out the influences of subtype of CP, age, previous surgery and motor function on the gait abnormalities.
The gait analysis and foot scan from 320 children with CP were reviewed. Types of gait abnormalities were classified into 5 types for hip joint, 4 types for knee joint and 8 types for foot and ankle joint. The prevalence of gait abnormalities was assessed and the influence of subtype of CP, age, previous surgery and GMFCS (gross motor function classification system) level were also investigated.
In foot and ankle joint, intoeing (63.8%) was the most common in all CP. In knee joint, jumping knee (32.8%) was the most common in diplegic and hemiplegic CP but crouch (47.6%) was the most common in quadriplegic CP. The likelihood of having planovalgus and crouch significantly increased with age and pes calcaneus increased after orthopaedic surgery. The children with lower functional level on GMFCS tended to show stiff and recurvatum knee pattern.
Predominent gait abnormalities in each joint were assessed. Age, previous surgery, motor function and subtype of children with CP had a significant effect on the prevalence of gait abnormalities in each joint. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2009; 33: 64-71)
Key Words: Spastic cerebral palsy, Gait analysis, F-scan system, Foot deformities


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