J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 2010;34(3):290-296.
Functional Outcomes and Characteristics of Patients with Brain Tumors after Inpatient Rehabilitation: Comparison with Ischemic Stroke.
Kim, Ha Jeong , Kim, Dae Yul , Chun, Min Ho , Lee, Sook Joung
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Korea. kysmart@amc.seoul.kr
재활병동으로 전과된 뇌종양 환자들의 특징과 기능 회복: 뇌경색과 비교
김하정, 김대열, 전민호, 이숙정
울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 재활의학교실
To compare and discuss functional outcome and neurologic deficits of patients with either brain tumor or ischemic stroke after inpatient rehabilitation.
Sixty-two, brain tumor patients (32 benign and 30 malignant) admitted for inpatient rehabilitation during a five-year period and 70 acute ischemic stroke patients were enrolled. We retrospectively investigated their functional status at admission and discharge, the functional gain as measured by the Korean version of modified Bathel index (K-MBI) instrument, and their common neurologic deficits.
The K-MBI score at discharge was significantly improved in both groups (70.2 vs. 61.5). However, the K-MBI score at admission was found to be higher in the brain tumor group (45.3 vs. 35.5), whereas no significant differences were found in the K-MBI score at discharge or in the gain or efficiency of the K-MBI score. In the tumor group, the K-MBI score at discharge and the gain of the K-MBI score were significantly higher in the benign brain tumor patients. The most common neurologic deficit was motor weakness, followed by impaired cognition and cranial nerve palsy. The frequency of these deficits was more common in the ischemic stroke patients, although there were no differences between benign and malignant brain tumor groups. Brain tumor patients not receiving radiation therapy and having higher K-MBI scores at admission showed greater functional improvement (p<0.01).
Brain tumor patients can achieve comparable functional outcomes to ischemic stroke patients, and our study supports the benefits of comprehensive rehabilitation irregardless of a patient's tumor type. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2010; 34: 290-296)
Key Words: Brain tumor, Neurologic deficit, Stroke


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