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Ann Rehabil Med > Volume 48(6); 2024 > Article
Yoon, Lee, Lee, Song, Lee, Kim, and Shin: Muscle Pathology Associated With Cardiac Function in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy



To compare the progression of muscle fibrosis of various site and its relation between cardiac deterioration in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). In this study aimed to examine the associations between echocardiogram-based cardiac function indices and fibrosis of the abdominal and lower extremity muscles in patients with DMD to facilitate early detection of cardiac dysfunction and identify its predictors.


Twenty-one patients with DMD patients were enrolled in the study. The association between cardiac dysfunction and fibrosis of the abdominal and lower extremity muscles was determined by analyzing the echocardiography and elastography. Non-parametric Spearman rank correlation coefficients were used to examine the pairwise relationships between cardiac function and muscle elasticity.


All patients were male and non-ambulant. Their mean age was 18.45±4.28 years. The strain ratios of the abdominal muscle and quadriceps muscles were significantly higher than those of the medial gastrocnemius. The strain ratio of the rectus abdominis muscle has a significant negative correlation with left ventricular ejection fraction. Cardiac function and valvular insufficiency were not significantly correlated with muscle strain ratio. According to the result of our study, the only skeletal muscle which showed significant correlation with cardiac dysfunction was degree abdominal muscle fibrosis.


The degree of fibrosis of respiratory muscles was also significantly associated with cardiac dysfunction; therefore, it can be used as a predictor of cardiac dysfunction in patients with DMD in clinical practice.



Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe, progressive, and muscle-wasting disease [1]. It is related to an abnormality in the dystrophin gene that results in a deficiency of the subsarcolemmal dystrophin and causes fibrosis and necrosis of skeletal and cardiac muscles [2-4]. Progressive congestive heart failure caused by dystrophin deficiency in the myocardium is the most common cause of death in this patient population. Thus, regular cardiac function assessment facilitates the prediction of mortality secondary to cardiomyopathy; however, most patients do not experience notable heart failure symptoms until the end stage due to physical inactivity [5]. Thus, early cardiac dysfunction assessment by echocardiography, electrocardiography, and 24-hour Holter monitoring and the reduction of afterload through the administration of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors are recommended [6]. In addition, early screening for various aspects of DMD are essential for disease management [7,8]. In a previous study, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed that 17% of patients aged 6–7 years with DMD showed signs of muscle fibrosis, and myocardial fibrosis is usually advanced before ventricular wall motion anomalies are detected by echocardiography [9]. While cardiac MRI is appropriate for early diagnosis of muscle fibrosis, echocardiograms are primarily used for myocardial function assessment in clinical practice. In general, young patients aged 10 years or younger may show normal systolic function on a conventional echocardiogram [3]. The deficiency of dystrophin facilitated the progression of muscle fibrosis in DMD. As in the skeletal muscle, the same pathological cycle is responsible for myocardial cell death and fibrosis leading to cardiomyopathy [1]. Therefore, if the association between the progression of skeletal muscle fibrosis and cardiac dysfunction is confirmed, it can be assumed to be helpful for early detection and monitoring of cardiac function exacerbation. During the deterioration of the disease, abdominal muscles are recruited to enhance chest wall motion and lower intrathoracic pressure, which improves venous return to the heart during inspiration [10,11]. An animal study confirmed significant associations between respiratory and cardiac functions and myocardial fibrosis [12]. However, no study has examined the relationship between fibrosis of the respiratory and extremity muscles and cardiac dysfunction in human.
By examining the associations of myocardial structural changes and cardiac dysfunction with fibrosis of the respiratory and extremity muscles in patients with DMD, another index that can be used to easily assess the exacerbation of DMD can be discovered. This study aimed to examine the associations between echocardiogram-based cardiac function indices and fibrosis of the abdominal and lower extremity muscles in patients with DMD to facilitate early detection of cardiac dysfunction and identify its predictors.


Twenty-one patients with DMD who gave their informed consent to participate in the study were enrolled. Patients who could not cooperate during the test, those on a mechanical ventilator, and those with a pacemaker or other electrical device were excluded. To determine the association between cardiac dysfunction and fibrosis of abdominal and lower extremity muscles, the following parameters were assessed. The study was approved by the appropriate ethics review board and was conducted in accordance with the principles embodied in the Declaration of Helsinki. All methods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects and/or their legal guardian. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Pusan National University Hospital (IRB No. H-1904-017-077).


According to the American Society of Echocardiography guidelines [13], transthoracic echocardiography was performed using the GE echocardiography system (EPIQ Elite; Philips Healthcare). Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was measured as an indicator of left ventricular contractility. The indices for myocardial structural changes were also measured. Standard LV was measured in the parasternal long-axis view, and LVEF was calculated using the Teichholz rule [13]. To assess myocardial relaxation, the early (E wave) and late (A wave) filling velocities, early diastolic tissue velocity at the septal mitral annulus (E’), E/A ratio (early transmitral peak velocity wave/late trans-mitral peak velocity wave), and E/E’ ratio were measured during mitral flow tracing. E’ is recommended initially examined parameter to screen diastolic dysfunction. When E’ are below the accepted cutoff values, other Doppler parameters should be evaluated o to grade the diastolic dysfunction E/E’ ratio is most widely used parameters to estimate left ventricular filling pressure in patients with normal ejection fraction. When the ratio at the level of the septal wall is 15 or higher, left ventricular filling pressure is usually elevated. To assess myocardial contraction, the left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDd) was measured [14]. Left ventricular deformation was assessed by measuring the global longitudinal strain (GLS) (%) using speckle tracking analysis. Strain refers to the relative deformation of tissue in proportion to the applied force, and strain in the myocardium is the relative deformation of myocardial tissue to the applied force, which is the end-systolic length relative to the end-diastolic state. It is expressed as a ratio of the change amount and those with negative values indicate shortening or thinning of the myocardium [15].

Ultrasound elastography

B-mode ultrasound of dynamic sonoelastography (DS) was performed by a radiologist using a ultrasound system with 12-5 MHz multifrequency linear transducer (IU22, Philips iU 22; Philips Medical System). Ultrasound strain elastography was performed to quantify the elasticity of the tissue. After the compression produced by exertive force generated by the ultrasound transducer, the compression force applied to each muscle was adjusted according to a quality factor set on the machine, which was displayed on the screen. A quality factor greater than or equal to 60 indicated optimal compression force. The elasticity pattern of the muscle was measured by diagnostic qualitative sonographic method, 4 point DS score: 1 (purple or green=soft), 2 (yellow to green=mostly soft), 3 (red to yellow=mostly hard), and 4 (red=hard) [16]. In addition, to assess the relative stiffness of pathologic muscle, the fibrotic region was normalized by using the reference strain measured in relative normal subcutaneous tissue. Initially, strain was expressed in the region of interest (ROI, 5×5 mm2) of the gastrocnemius medialis (GCM), rectus abdominis, quadriceps and biceps femoris muscles. The precise measurement sites of each muscle is as follow; GCM: midpoint between the knee and ankle, usually around the thickest part of the muscle belly, rectus abdominis: below the xiphoid process of the sternum, near the costal margin parallel to the muscle fiber, rectus femoris: halfway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the patella on the anterior surface of the thigh, biceps femoris: midway between the ischial tuberosity and the lateral condyle of the tibia at the central part of the long head of the biceps femoris.
A semi-quantitative value for tissue strain was determined by using a ratio of the strain measured in the ROI compared to the strain measured in adjacent subcutaneous tissue right above the muscle. The strain ratio for biceps muscles were measured by comparing the muscle (A) to subcutaneous fat tissue (B). The strain ratio (B/A) reflecting the stiffness of the muscle (Fig. 1, right) [17]. Since tissue strain is positively associated with the compressibility of the target, a harder structure characteristically has a smaller strain value [18]. Therefore, higher strain ratio related to progression of muscle fibrosis [19]. Strain elastography is a qualitative technique and provides information on the relative stiffness between one tissue and another. Strain images are generated by using the transducer to apply repetitive minimal pressure to the tissues. Therefore, For the reliability of the test, the strain ratio was performed three times at the same anatomically defined ROI per muscle and the averages value were calculated. The ultrasound elastography was performed by a skilled radiologist with more than 15 years of experience, and an average of three measurements for each muscle was used (Fig. 1, left).

Statistical analysis

The strain ratios (non-normally distributed data) were analyzed using the Kruskal–Wallis test, and the Mann–Whitney U-test was used for pair comparison. Non-parametric Spearman rank correlation coefficients were used to examine the pairwise relationships between cardiac function and muscle elasticity. p-values of <0.05 denoted statistical significance. All statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS version 28.0 (IBM Corp.).


Table 1 summarizes the patients’ general characteristics, echocardiographic results including strain ratios and DS scores. All patients were male and non-ambulant. Their mean age was 18.45±4.28 years. From total 84 sites of measurement, 96.4% of DS scores were interpreted as grade 2 or 3. The strain ratio showed a tendency to decrease in the order of rectus abdominis, quadriceps, biceps femoris, and medial gastrocnemius. The strain ratios of the abdominal muscle and quadriceps muscles were significantly higher than those of the medial GCM (p<0.05; Fig. 2). Post hoc comparison using the Mann–Whitney U-test with Bonferroni correction showed a higher strain ratio for the rectus abdominis muscle compared with the biceps femoris muscles and GCM (p<0.05). The strain ratio of the quadriceps muscle was also higher than that of the GCM (p<0.05; Table 2).
Spearman correlation analysis showed that the DS score was not significantly correlated with the cardiac function parameters. The strain ratio of the rectus abdominis muscle has a significant negative correlation with LVEF (p<0.05; Table 3, Fig. 3). Other cardiac function and valvular insufficiency including E/A, E’, LVEDd, and GLS were not significantly correlated with strain ratio of all muscles.


Dystrophin, the product of the DMD gene is presented in all types of muscle including skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle fibers [12]. Sequence and association of the muscle fibrosis of the different muscle groups during the progression of the disease is not fully investigated. In our study, the muscle fibrosis was most prominent in abdominal muscles to the proximal extremity muscles, followed by the distal extremity muscles. The degree of abdominal muscle fibrosis was significantly correlated with LVEF. The deficiency of dystrophin facilitated the progression of muscle fibrosis in DMD [4]. As in the skeletal muscle, the same pathological cycle is responsible for myocardial cell death and fibrosis leading to cardiomyopathy [1]. In previous study, the markers of abdominal and diaphragm muscle pathology was correlated with cardiac functional measures in mouse model of DMD [12]. Our study was first attempt to find this correlation in human DMD. According to the result of our study, the only skeletal muscle which showed significant correlation with cardiac dysfunction was degree abdominal muscle fibrosis.
Muscle weakness begins from the proximal muscles in the trunk, hip, and shoulder and progresses toward the distal muscles in DMD. Relatively, the weakening of the upper extremities progresses more slowly than that of the lower extremities [20]. The severity of muscle fibrosis was also higher in the proximal muscles than in the distal muscles in this study. The development of fibrosis can be assessed using elastography. The severity of fibrosis related to tissue stiffness is obtained by assessing the propagation of mechanical shear waves through the tissue with ultrasound [21]. Muscle fibrosis and increased intramuscular fat and connective tissue related to reductions in strength and function result in higher echointensity in the ultrasound image [22,23], and such changes in muscle echointensity reflect muscle disruption [24]. A previous study found a significant difference between the ultrasound echointensities of healthy and dystrophic muscles [25]. Muscle pathologies may reflect disease progression [26]; however, predicting disease progression based on the correlations between the degrees of fibrosis of respiratory muscles and skeletal muscles of the extremities and cardiac dysfunction may give additional information regarding the factor to predict the deterioration of the disease. In previous study, we examined echocardiographic parameters to assess early LV dysfunction in patients with DMD; confirming that ultrasound elastography may be inappropriate for the assessment of fibrotic changes in respiratory and cardiac muscles in patients with DMD [3]. In that study, we additionally determined the abnormal parameters for systolic cardiac functions in young patients; however, we examined their correlation with the severity of fibrosis of other muscles to predict the severity of cardiac dysfunction in non-ambulant patients with DMD. It is known that abdominal muscles are used for both expiration and inspiration to compensate weak diaphragmatic function in advanced DMD [10,27], and a previous animal study reported that abdominal muscle fibrosis is weakly associated with LV fibrosis but significantly associated with cardiac function [12]. The present study also confirmed that only the abdominal muscle is significantly associated with LV function. Regarding the direct effect of abdominal muscle fibrosis on cardiac function, the use of the abdominal muscles for inspiration in patients with advanced DMD creates a negative pressure in the thoracic cavity that draws more blood into the right atrium [28]. This is thought to increase venous return to the heart [12]. Based on our findings, the severity of abdominal muscle fibrosis can be used as an indirect indicator of LV function in patients with DMD. Further, the abdominal muscles play an important role in cardiopulmonary function along with other respiratory muscles, including the diaphragm, and their dysfunction should be recognized as an important clinical predictor of disease progression in patients with DMD. However, the degrees of fibrosis of other lower extremity muscles were not significantly associated with other cardiac dysfunction parameters reflecting preclinical myocardial structural changes in our study. The degree of abdominal muscle fibrosis to early predict the cardiac dysfunction before ventricular wall motion anomalies in DMD should be further evaluated. In general, DMD is diagnosed around the ages of 3–5 years, as lower extremity weakness and fatigue progress [20]. Because cardiac dysfunction is usually detected at an older age, examining the associations of myocardial structural changes on MRI before cardiac dysfunction occurs and the respiratory and extremity muscle fibrosis would give valuable clinical information.
One of limitation of this study is that the tests were performed in a small number of patients belonging to a limited age group and it may have affected the statistical significance in some result. In the case of DS score, most of them (96.4%) are grade 2 or 3 may due to the limited number and distribution of the age of the patients, it was judged that they could not reflect the differences between muscles with this qualitative data. Therefore, the result presented comparing the strain ratio between the muscles were mainly discussed as the main result of our study. Given the low prevalence of DMD, long-term follow-up of changes in the parameters associated with age-specific disease progression in a larger number of patients would reveal additional significant correlations. Secondly, the muscle ultrasound findings were not quantified with several techniques. However, using the parameters that are most widely used in clinical practice will make applying the study findings more accessible, and further studies based on these findings are encouraged.
This study is the first to have found a significant association between cardiac dysfunction and the severity of respiratory muscle fibrosis in non-ambulant patients with DMD. Subsequent studies can examine the value of this parameter as an index for early diagnosis and disease progression and use it to explore new treatment targets or therapeutic effects.


Jin A Yoon is an Editorial Board member of Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine. The author did not engage in any part of the review and decision-making process for this manuscript. Otherwise, no potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.


This study was supported by Biomedical Research Institute Grant (20210029), Pusan National University Hospital.


Conceptualization: Yoon JA. Shin YB. Methodology: Yoon JA, Lee H, Lee IS, Song YS, Lee BJ, Kim SY, Shin YB. Formal analysis: Yoon JA, Lee H, Lee IS, Song YS, Lee BJ, Kim SY, Shin YB. Writing – original draft: Yoon JA. Writing – review and editing: Yoon JA, Lee H, Lee IS, Song YS, Lee BJ, Kim SY, Shin YB. Approval of final manuscript: all authors.

Fig. 1.
B-mode ultrasound and dynamic sonoelastography (DS) for measuring strain ratio including region of interest placement on muscle and subcutaneous tissue (right) and DS score (Score 3) (left).
Fig. 2.
Box-plot of the Kruskal–Wallis rank-sum test result for the muscle strain ratio. GCM, gastrocnemius medialis. *Significant difference (p<0.05).
Fig. 3.
Left ventricular ejection fraction showing negative correlation with abdominal muscle strain ratio.
Table 1.
Baseline patient characteristics and measurements
Characteristic Total (n=21)
Age at evaluation (yr) 18.45±4.28
Sex (male/female) 21/0
Echocardiographic parameters
 LVEF (%) 44.34±13.31
 E/A ratio 1.96±0.46
 E/E’ ratio 8.34±1.54
 E’ velocity (cm/s) 0.10±0.23
 LVEDd (mm) 50.17±10.69
 GLS (%) -11.62±3.37
 MR (yes/no) 8/13
 TR (yes/no) 8/13
 AR (yes/no) 0/21
Strain ratio (subcutaneous/muscle)
 Rectus abdominis 1.94±0.68
 Quadriceps 1.88±0.53
 Medial GCM 1.30±0.42
 Biceps femoris 1.35±0.40
DS score
 Rectus abdominis 2.69±0.63
 Quadriceps 2.23±0.43
 Medial GCM 2.95±0.49
 Biceps femoris 2.66±0.48

Values are presented as mean±standard deviation or number only.

LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; E/A, early filling flow peak velocity/atrial filling flow peak velocity; E’, early diastolic velocity; LVEDd, left ventricular end-diastolic diameter; GLS, global longitudinal strain, MR, mitral valve regurgitation; TR, tricuspid valve regurgitation; AR, aortic valve regurgitation; GCM, gastrocnemius medialis; DS, dynamic sonoelastography.

Table 2.
Pairwise comparisons of the mean strain ratios using independent-samples Kruskal–Wallis test
Muscle comparison p-value Adjusted p-value
Rectus abdominis vs. quadriceps 0.987 >0.99
Rectus abdominis vs. biceps femoris 0.003* 0.017*
Rectus abdominis vs. medial GCM <0.001* 0.002*
Quadriceps vs. medial GCM <0.001* 0.002*
Biceps femoris vs. medical GCM 0.558 >0.99

GCM, gastrocnemius medialis.

*Significant Spearman’s rank coefficients (p<0.05).

Table 3.
Correlation between cardiac function and muscle strain ratio
Strain ratio of muscles Echocardiographic parameters
Rectus abdominis -0.379* -0.249 -0.073 -0.041 0.156 0.212
Quadriceps 0.040 0.195 0.236 -0.227 -0.191 -0.094
GCM -0.253 0.073 0.022 -0.283 0.026 0.363
Biceps femoris -0.005 -0.180 -0.190 0.253 0.304 -0.160

GCM, gastrocnemius medialis; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; E/A, early filling flow peak velocity/atrial filling flow peak velocity; E’, early diastolic velocity; LVEDd, left ventricular end-diastolic diameter; GLS, global longitudinal strain.

*Significant Spearman’s rank coefficients (p<0.05).


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