J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1996;20(4):10.
An Analysis of Factor Associated with Neurological Deficits in Thoracic and Lumbar Burst Fractures
Jeong Hee Park, M.D., Ho Lee, M.D., Jun Kyeong Lim, M.D , Sang Kyun Park, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sun General Hospital
방출형 척추골절에서 신경손상에 영향을 미치는 요인분석
박정희, 이호, 임준경, 박상균
대전 선병원 재활의학과

In thoracic and lumbar burst fractures, neurological status at injury is important factor for understanding of prognosis of spinal problems. Measurement of neurological status is valuable for initial radiological studies and clinical studies.

This study was planned to evaluate the various factors affecting neurologic severity and to estabilish the criteria for neurologic involvement of the thoracolumbar burst fractures.

The results were as follows:

1) Displacement of vertebral body measured on lateral plane X-ray showed significantly difference between paralytic and non-paralytic groups(p<0.01), but there were no differences in kyphotic angle and anterior wedging angle and anterior height loss between two groups.

2) A-P diameter of compromised neural canal and percent of compromised surfare of neural canal showed significantly differences between paralytic and non-paralytic groups(p<0.01).

3) There was neurological deficits in cases with displacement of vertebral body higher than 5.3mm, compromised area of neural canal higher than 39.6%, A-P diameter of compromised neural canal less than 7.99mm.

Key Words: Burst factures, Dispacement, Compromised neural canal


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