A Follow Up Study of Prosthetic Use of Lower Extremity Amputees |
Tai Ryoon Han, M.D., Jin Ho Kim, M.D., Seong Jae Lee, M.D.* , Jae Young Lim, M.D. |
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, *Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Dankook University College of Medicine |
하지 절단자들의 의지이용에 대한 추적관찰 |
한태륜, 김진호, 이성재*, 임재영 |
서울대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실, 단국대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실* |
Abstract |
47 unilateral lower extremity amputees who visited Seoul National University Hospital were studied to evaluate the outcome of prosthetic use of lower extremity amputees and determine the factors which affect successful long term prosthetic use. In follow up via chart review and telephone survey, the mean age of amputees was 43 years, 76% were males. Vascular insufficiency(36%) was the main reason for amputation, below-knee amputation(42%) was the most common level of amputation. Among the follow-up cases, 11 cases were in death and 2 cases were in bed-ridden. 30 cases capable of prosthetic ambulation were selected for concrete questionnaire related to the actual use of prosthesis and modified from Prosthetic Profile of the Amputees(PPA) designed by Gris . They fitted prosthesis for ambulation daily(6.7 days/week) and mean fitting time a day was 9.5 hours. Most amputees could do independent prosthetic ambulation but they were relatively low in degree of satisfaction with prosthesis. According to the supervision by physiatrist or not, a comparison between two groups was made about satisfaction and ambulatory status. A group supervised by physiatrist showed the higher degree of satisfaction, more frequent indoor prosthetic use, and longer walking distance than non-supervised. Supervised above-knee amputees were in use of walking aids less frequently than non-supervised above-knee amputees. The most probable factor affecting prosthetic ambulation was the additional medical problems. Below-knee amputees could do more independent donning and doffing and stair walking than above-knee amputees. |
Key Words:
Lower extremity amputees, Prosthetic use, Questionnaire |