J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1995;19(4):34.
Polyneuropathy without Specific Skin Lesions in Lerosy -Case report-
Hyunsoog Shin, M.D., Seogju Yoon, M.D. , Taejung Ji, M.D.
Department of Rehabilition Medicine, Korea Veteran Hospital
특이한 피부병변 없이 다발성신경염을 동반한 나병 -증례보고-
신현숙, 윤석주, 지태정
한국보훈병원 재활의학과

Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous infection of humans which attacks superficial tissues, especially the skin, peripheral nerves, anterior portions of the eyes, upper respiratory passages above the larynx, testes and structures of the hand and feet.

Mycobacterium leprae is the causal agent of leprosy. It is an acidfast rod assigned to the family Mycobacteriaceae.

We experienced a case of polyneuropathy without specific skin lesions that confirmed as leprosy. For the purpose of emphasis that clinician must not overlook the leprosy in the polyneuropathy of unknown origin, we report this case.

Key Words: Leprosy, Skin lesion, Polyneuropathy


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