548 Korean high school students were preliminarily screened for scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis by forward bending test and Three dimensional skeletal analysis system and confirmed by whole spine AP X-Ray. A cobb's angle of more than 10 degrees were considered as scoliosis. The scoliosis prevalence rate, degree of curvature, pattern and direction of curvature of high school female students the were evaluated. 1) The overall scoliosis prevalence rate estimated by Three dimensional skeletal analysis system angle of more than 100 was 17.8%. 2) 44 out of 96 students who revealed estimated scoliosis angle of 10 degrees by Three dimensional skeletal analysis system took the confirmative X-Ray study, which revealed a 33 out of 548(6.0%) cases with cobb's angle of more than 10 degree. 3) There was a significant correlation between estimated scoliosis angle by Three dimensional skeletal analysis system and cobb's angle(Rf-0.6514, p<0.001). 4) The most prevalent pattern of curvature was thoracic curve. 5) 12.8% of the cases showed thoracic kyphosis of more than 45o and 0.4% showed lumbar lordosis of more than 500. |