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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1995;19(3):13.
Clinical and Electrophysiological Study of the Axillary Nerve Palsy
Min Kyun Sohn, M.D., Seung Ho Yune, M.D. , Hye Sim Chung, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Chungnam National University College of Medicine
액와신경 마비의 임상 및 전기진단학적 소견
손민균, 윤승호, 정혜심
충남대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

Thirty-five patients with axillary nerve paralysis were reviewed retrospectively by clinical charts and electrodiagnostic records to establish causes and severity of the nerve lesion, associated adjacent nerve involvement and recovery. The main cause of the injury was motor vehicle accident(48.6%). The palsy developed after axillary block in one case and axillary artery bypass graft in other case. There was a nontraumatic isolated axillary nerve injured case. The palsy was related with blunt shoulder trauma in 13 cases and fracture or dislocation of the shoulder in 12 cases. Prior to the electrodiagnostic examination, the diagnosis was not clinically suspected or seriously considered in 51.5% of the lesions. The most common combined adjacent nerve involvement was the suprascapular nerve and the axillary nerve injury was more severe in the patient with combined other nerve lesions. All of the incomplete and many complete patients(66.7%) were improved at the electromyographic reexamination in 2 to 5 months after injury. So serial electro-diagnostic study is recommended monthly for the first 3~5 months to evaluate nerve regeneration and proper management plan.

Key Words: Axillary nerve palsy, Electrodiagnostic study


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