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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1995;19(2):9.
Comparision Study for the Modified Barthel Index (MBI) and Functional Independence Measure(FIM) in Patients with CVA
Jong Ha Lee, M.D., Chi Moon Hwang, M.D.*, Hee Sang Kim, M.D. , Kyung Hoi Ahn, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kyung Hee Pundang Cha Hospital*

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Aju University College of Medicine*

뇌졸중 환자에서의 Functional Independence Measure(FIM)와 Modified Barthel Index(MBI)의 비교
이종하, 황치문*, 김희상, 안경회
경희대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 경희 분당 차병원 재활의학과*

The Modified Barthel Index(MBI), a weighted scale for measuring basic ADL(Activities of daily living), and the Functional Independence Measure(FIM), a singlescore instrument used to measure independent functioning in six areas of basic selfcare skills, were used to evaluate 36 patients following CVA.

Patients on rehabilitation therapy in the department of rehabilitation, KyungHee medical center were assessed with MBI and FIM at start for the rehabilitation therapy(RS) and on discharge(DC) respectively.

1)MBI and FIM scores averaged 46.9, 73.3 at RS and 76.9, 106.4 on DC respectively.

2)The item with the highest score among subscales of FIM at RS was `SPHINCTER CONTROL', and the lowest one `STAIRS CLIMBING'. On discharge, the highest scale was `SPHINCTER CONTROL', and the lowest one `STAIRS' and `BATHING'.

3)On assessment at every 2 weeks, the increment of FIM scores was the largest in a first two weeks.

4)On Chi-square test between MBI and FIM%, Chisquare values are 336.12 and 260.12, and Pearson's R scores were 0.92 and 0.83 at RS and on DC respectively. Therefore there was a very high correlation between MBI and FIM.

5)On regression analysis of the factors predicting the prognosis of CVA, in order, FIM scores at RS, the cognitive scores of FIM at RS, the motor scores on FIM at RS, the duration between onset and RS, and MBI score at RS were found significant statistically. But the variables such as site of lesion, type of paresis, cormodity, sex, and type of CVA were of no significance.

In conclusion, FIM was found to be the useful scale to assess the disability of patients at present, to evaluate outcomes of the rehabilitation therapy, and to predict the prognosis of a patient of CVA.

Key Words: , Functional Independence Measure (FIM), FIM percentile
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