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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1994;18(3):12.
Nerve Conduction Study Recording from Lumbrical and Interossei in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Young Jin Ko, M.D., Sae Yoon Kang, M.D., Joon Sung Kim, M.D. , Hyung Shin Kim, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Catholic University Medical College
수근관 중후군환자의 충양근 및 골간근에서 기록한 신경전도검사
고영진, 강세윤, 김준성, 김형신
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

Carpal tunnel syndrome, a median neuropathy at the wrist is the most common entrapment neuropathy. There are many methods to diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome, but each study has some limitations.

In carpal tunnel syndrome, the median motor distal latency is normal from 35% to 50% of patients. This lack of sensitivity of distal motor latency may be due either to spairing of motor as compaired to sensory fibers or to inability of standard median motor studies to detect abnormality.

We performed the conventional nerve conduction studies 50 controls and in 20 patients with clinically suspected carpal tunnel syndrome and compared with Preston and Logigian's method that used the same active electrode lateral to the third metacarpal bone, to record the second lumbrical or the deeper interossei responses by stimulating at median and ulnar nerves, respectively.

In control group, the mean distal motor latency of median nerve on lumbrical recording was 3.09±0.21 msec, and that of ulnar on interossei recording was 3.00±0.21 msec and the mean lumbrical-interossei difference was 0.10±0.15 msec. In carpal tunnel syndrome group, the mean distal motor latency of median nerve on lumbrical recording was 4.11±1.24 msec, and that of ulnar on interossei recording was 3.08±0.42 msec and the mean lumbrical-interossei difference was 0.91±0.70 msec, The abnormal lumbrical-interossei latency difference was set at greater than 0.4 msec as the mean±2SD. there was no significant correlation between age and lumbrical-interossei latency difference (r=-0.09). the sensitivity of lumbrical-interossei latency difference was 90.9%.

The lumbrical-interossei latency difference is a more sensitive test than conventional median motor nerve conduction study recording at abductor pollicis brevis in patient with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Key Words: Carpal tunnel syndrome, Lumbrical, Interossei, Nerve conduction


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