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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1994;18(2):27.
Social Adjustment after Discharge in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury
Jeong Mee Park, M.D., Dong Hun Yu, M.D. , Bang Hwan Ann, M.D.*
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, *Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine
척수손상자들의 퇴원후 사회적응에 관한 연구
박정미, 유동훈, 안방환*
연세대학교 원주의과대학 및 의과대학* 재활의학교실

Rehabilitation after spinal cord injury (SCI) is a complex process involving an array of adaptations to changes in both physical and psychosocial functioning. The purpose of this study was to obtain baseline data about the current social activity and adjustment of the spinal cord injured after discharge after rehabilitation treatment. The subjects of this study were 27 male spinal cord injury patients who were admitted to the Wonju Christian Hospital.

A questionnaire containing employment status, duration of injury, marital status, social activity, bladder management, home improvement, and complications returned from the 27 men with spinal cord injuries.

The major results were as follows:

1) Employment status and social activity did not correlate with the duration after injury.

2) There was an increase in the use of suprapubic cystostomy.

3) The social activity did not correlate with the level of injury.

4) The higher the modified Barthel Index score was, the more active were they in social activity.

5) Postinjury employment rate in spinal cord injuries was approximately 29.7%.

6) Common complications in the order of appearance after spinal cord injuries were constipation, pain, and joint contracture.

In conclusion, the result of this study seems to suggest that social activity did correlate with modified Barthel Index score but did not correlate with time since injury and level of injury.

Key Words: Spinal cord injury, Social adjustment, Employment


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