J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1994;18(1):19.
Depressed Mood in Spinal Cord Injured Patients Staff Perceptions and Patient Realities
In Su Choi, M.D., Si Young Jang, M.D., Jung Hee Park, M.D., Eun Yi Kim, M.D. , Byung Du Song, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sun General Hospital, *Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Jung Ang General Hospital
척수 손상 환자의 우울증에 대한 환자의 반응과 의료진의 평가
최인수, 장시영, 박정희, 김은이, 송병두*
대전 선병원 재활의학과, 대전 중앙병원 재활의학과*

Rehabilition after spinal cord injury (SCI) is a complex process involving as array of adaptation to changes in both physical and psychosocial functioning. In this study, we examined the correspondence between staff ratings and patient ratings about depressed mood for 32 spinal cord injured persons admitted to rehabilitation center. Patients rated their mood by using the Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS), Staffs estimated patient's mood by using the Depression Status Inventory (DSI).

The purposes of this study are to investigate 1) staff-patient congruence with regard to appraisals of patients' affective state, 2) intrastaff-patient congruence with regard to appraisals of patients' affective state.

The purposes of this study are to investigate 1) staff-patient congruence with regard to appraisals of patients' affective state, 2) intrastaff-patient congruence with regard to appraisals of patients' affective state.

The results were as follows:

1) Staffs underestimated patient's depression.

2) The highest correlation was between patients and occupational therapists, followed by physical therapists.

3) Clinical manifestations of depressive symptoms were in the following orders: dissatisfaction, psychomotor retardation, confusion, and personal devaluation.

This study reported discrepancies between patient's descriptions and staff's perceptions. We hope that the findings of this study would have clinical relevance to the psychosocial adjustment and total rehabilitation of spinal cord injured persons.

Key Words: Spinal cord injury, Depression, Psychosocial function


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