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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1990;14(2):5.
Clinical Survery of Dysphagia in Stroke
Hae Sook Yoon, M.D., Jung Lim Moon, M.D., , Sae Yoon Kang, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Catholic University Medical College
뇌졸중 환자에서의 연하곤란의 임상적 고찰
윤해숙, 문정림, 강세윤
가톨릭의과대학 재활의학교실

Dysphagia is a common and serious problem after strokes involving both cerebral hemispheres or brainstem, Swallowing problems could have serious consequences, with dehydration leading to haemoconcentration and renal failure and aspiration leading to pneumonai.

Data from 80 conscious stroke patients, taking part in acute intervention trial and assesed within 48 hours of onset of symptoms, were used to investigate the prevalence and natural history of swallowing problems.

Nearly 49% of patients with single-hemisphere strokes were initially found to have difficulty swallowing a mouthful of water, but in 60% of those the deficit had resolved by the 6 months. Strong correlation were found between dysphagia and speech inteligibity and with urinary incontinence, muscle power on affected side, But there was no association with the side and cause of the stroke.

Swallowing impairment was associated with functional outcome at 6 months. These results indicate the dysphagia may hamper functional recovery and influence on rehabilitation of patients with strokes.

Key Words: Dysphagia, Stroke, Functional outcome


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