J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1989;13(2):25.
Analysis of Amplitude, Duration and Area of Muscle Action Potentials in Normal
Kyoung Min Lee, M.D. , Hyun Yoon Ko, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kosin Medical College
근활동전위의 진폭, 지속시간 및 면적의 분석
이경민, 고현윤
고신의대 재활의학교실

Some parameters of amplitude, duration, area, conduction velocity, etc, has been used in nerve conduction studies to evaluate nerve functions.

Analysis of the parameters, amplitude, duration and area, of muscle action potentials(MAPS) was done in healthy sixteen men and four women and used median, ulnar, peroneal, and tibial nerves of dominant side.

The amplitudes and areas of MAPS by stimulation at distal were increased, but the durations were decreased campared with those of proximal stimulation. But the differences between distal and proximal stimulation were not significant statistically. The duration was a parameter having most narrow variation among individuals.

And there is a highly significant correlationship(p<0.05) between amplitude and area in the 4 nerves, statistically.

Key Words: Muscle action potential, Amplitude, Duration, Area


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