Peripheral nerve lesions are common in leprosy. This may very from the involvement of intradermal nerves in a cutaneous patch to a major lesion in the nerve trunk. This study was for evaluating the tendency of injured peripheral nerves in leprosy. The data was gathered from 23 leprosy patient: 18 men and 5 women. The results were as follows: 1) There was no correlation between the Age and the Nerve damages. 2) No correlation was found between the disease duration and Nerve damages. 3) The duration of medication treatment was significantly related with the nerve damages. 4) The factor analysis reveals some pattern of Nerve damages: Factor 1, median and ulnar nerve related variables, explains 44.4% of total variance: Factor 2, peroneal and tibial nerve related variables, explains 16.2% of total variance; Factor 3, radial sensory nerve related variables, explains 9.5% of total variance. 5) 5 cases (25%) suffer from ulnar, peroneal, and tibial nerve injuries coincidently. Almost all (95%) of the patients undergo ulnar nerve injury. |