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Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1985;9(1):9.
An Evaluation of Polyneuropathy 235 Cases for Causes or Condition Associated
Young Aee Lee, M.D. , Kang Mok Lee, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hanyang University Medical College
다발성신경염의 원인분석조사
이영애, 이강목
한양대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실

During the period of 1972 through March 1985, 235 cases of the diagnosed polyneuropathy in EMG room of Hanyang University Hospital were analysed for causes or associated conditions. Age of polyneuropathy cases was varied frome 1 to 79 and mean age was 39 and male female ratio was 2.7:1.

The most frequent cause was Guillain-Barre syndrome(23.4%) and the next frequent cause was diabetes mellitus(15.7%). Alcoholic neuropathy became the third(10.2%) and toxic neuropathy became the fouth(6.8%). Cause undertermined was 30.6%.

In Guillain-Barre syndrome, nerve involvement of each extremities which was revealed in EMG, upper and lower extremities involvement was in 69.1%. In diabetes mellitus, lower extremities involvement was in 62.2% and upper and lower extremities involvement was in 37.8%. In alcoholic neuropathy, lower extremities involvement was in 79.2% and upper and lower extremities involvement was in 20.8%. In toxic neuropathy, upper and lower extremities involvement was in 75.0%, upper extremities involvement was in 18.7% and lower extremities involvement was in 6.3%.

Key Words: Polyneuropathy, Cause, Electromyography, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Diabetic neuropathy


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