J Korean Acad Rehabil Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine 1984;8(2):5.
Assessment of Hand Function in Normal Korean Adults by Jebsen Hand Function Test
Yun Hee Kim, M.D., Mi Sook Choi, O.T.R. , Bong-Ok Kim, M.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Presbyterian Medical Center, Chonju, Korea
Jebsen Hand Function Test에 의한 정상 한국 성인의 손기능 평가
김연희, 최미숙*, 김봉옥
전주 예수병원 재활의학과

Jebsen hand function test, consisted of 7 subtests such as writing a short sentence, turning over 3 by 5 inch cards, picking up small objects and placing in container, stacking checkers, simulated feeding, moving empty large cans and moving weighted large cans, provides objective measurements of broad spectrum of hand disability and is of value in assessing improvement in hand function gained by therapeutic procedures such as physical therapy, medication, surgery, and bracing.

To provide the clinician with the data from normal Korean adults when test is given to Korean subjects, and to encourage the clinician to give this test for better hand rehabilitation, the authors report the result of Jebsen hand function test in 60 normal Korean adults with the statistical analysis and the method of this test translated into Korean.

Key Words: Hand function, Assessment, Jebsen hand function test


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